Monday 14 December 2015

As BYOD becomes common, the importance of Internet Security

Today's workforce is reliant on computers, laptops and smartphones as the infrastructural extensions of an organization. These devices, endowed with the power of the internet, carry important documents and passwords that form a virtual identity for organizations, especially with BYOD policies becoming a trend. Therefore, it is essential organizations ensure that they have the best of internet security to guarantee that their identity is not compromised or important data lost.

The advent of the internet opened up yet another platform for fraudsters, who not only hack computers, steal private passwords, documents and files, but are also identity thieves. Despite this, some SMEs and big enterprises are still very complacent in terms of internet security and seem to believe that their computers are invisible. They have still not realized that the moment their job requires them to log on to the internet, they can easily fall prey to such online thugs.

In order to ensure this security, not only the CIOs, but the employees of a company should understand a few simple things about being on the internet and act accordingly. The foremost thing to know is where online data is stored, along with understanding the encryption of that data. With the growing popularity of big data and intellectual property amongst the corporates, these elements are constantly under the risk of loss, theft or exposure to unwanted entities. Similarly, personal data such as credit card information and corporate confidential data and information are under the same threat. There are many laws and regulations mandating data loss prevention with the objective of privacy protection and cross border data transfer. Today with BYOD policies, it is very difficult to control the flow and storage of the data, especially with the plethora of social media and other file sharing applications.

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